Benton, Arkansas

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Benton, Arkansas, USA

Specialty Shopping in Benton, Arkansas



  • All About Art 501-778-6457
    807 West South Street, Benton, AR 72015
    You will find art supplies, frames and custom framing and even adult art classes at this trendy shop. more info  map

  • Dee Graves Art Studio Workshop 501-778-6457
    119 West South Street, Benton, AR 72015
    Custom framing is just one of the services they offer. Take an adult or child's art class and check out the great selection of art supplies. more info  map

  • Dianne Roberts Art Studio & Gallery 501-860-7467
    110 North Market Street, Benton, AR 72015
    Dianne Roberts offers art instruction and workshops. Stop in and view Dianne's own art, as well as the work of featured artists. more info  map


  • Benton Floral Balloonistics 501-778-3600
    616 North Main Street, Benton, AR 72015
    You can count on a truly unique impression when you select a floral arrangement, balloons or gift from Benton Floral Balloonistics. more info  map

  • Bill's Flower Shop 501-778-3717
    1223 Edison Avenue #B, Benton, AR 72015
    Has fresh and silk flowers, balloons, plants and gifts. more info  map


Shopping in Benton

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