Marksville, Louisiana

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Marksville, Louisiana, USA

Recreation in Marksville, Louisiana

Recreation Areas

  • Benrooth Recreation Area 318-352-7446
    A Red River Waterway park that is perfect area for picnics and family fun. more info  map

  • Grand Cote National Wildlife Refuge 318-253-4238
    401 Island Road, Marksville, LA 71351
    A 6,000-acre refuge that is open during daylight hours for wildlife observation, photography, hunting, fishing, crawfishing, and provides walking trails. more info  map

  • Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge 318-253-4238
    401 Island Road (Office), Marksville, LA 71351
    Located 20 Miles Northeast of Marksville
    Visit this 17,500-acre refuge, once part of a large contiguous Mississippi River bottomland hardwood forest, for wildlife observation, hunting, and fishing. more info  map



Recreation in Marksville

Towns Near Marksville