Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

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Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Business Directory in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan


  • Balian Legal, PLC 248-955-5420
    40950 Woodward Avenue, Suite 350, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
    Balian Legal, PLC practices in criminal defense, family law, and business law in the Detroit area. more info

  • Connor & Connor 248-540-1600
    39520 Woodward Avenue, Suite 230, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
    Areas of law practiced by the professionals of this law firm include family law, divorce, property/debt division, spousal support/alimony, child custody, business... more info



  • Capital Insurance Group 248-333-2500
    1263 West Square Lake Road , Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
    Capital Insurance Group has been serving the insurance needs of businesses and residents throughout Southeast Michigan for more than 30 years. more info  map


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