Hicksville, New York

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Hicksville, New York, USA

Business Directory in Hicksville, New York


  • DJ Long Island 631-388-6565
    39 Gables Drive, Hicksville, NY 11801
    Indian DJ in Long Island provides unique entertainment for private engagements worldwide. more info  map

  • Celebrations in the Kitchen 516-396-2193
    63 East Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
    Since 1997, thousands of children have had joyful memories at one of their baking birthday parties or baking classes, camps, Girl Scout or Boy Scout visits. more info

Event Planners

  • Glamorous Event Planners 516-933-2788
    254 West Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
    Glamorous Event Planners built an extensive network of associates, vendors, and other business contacts needed so that your event comes off without a hitch in NJ and... more info  map

Health, Fitness & Wellness

  • Ultimate Fighting Solutions 516-551-8900
    67 Bloomingdale Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
    At Ultimate Fighting Solutions, you can expect first class instruction in any one of their life enhancing programs. All of their certified fighting & fitness coaches... more info  map

Professional Services

  • S&B Investigative Management Services 516-523-7087
    36 Arch Lane, Hicksville, NY 11801
    Headquartered in New York, S&B Investigative Management Services is a private investigative management company specializing in trial preparation, accident... more info  map


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