Childress, Texas

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Childress, Texas, USA

Business Directory in Childress, Texas


  • Bible Baptist Church 940-937-2068
    801 Avenue Centre Southeast, Childress, TX 79201
    Provide ministries for all people in the community. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Calvary Baptist Church 940-937-2726
    1606 Avenue I Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Building relationships is the key to finding and fulfilling purpose for life. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Church of Christ 940-937-2741
    210 Second Street Southeast, Childress, TX 79201
    A resource to strengthen your faith. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 940-937-6202
    1304 Seventh Street Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Exploring the the church, families, and purpose of life. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Fairview Church of Christ 940-937-8228
    1910 Avenue I Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Sharing through Faith, Worship and Community. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Faith Christian Center 940-937-2789
    307 Avenue G Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Interdenominational. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • First Assembly of God Church 940-937-2976
    2020 Avenue I Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Sunday School 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship Services 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM, Wednesday Service more info  map

  • First United Methodist 940-937-2511
    201 Avenue D Northeast, Childress, TX 79201
    To open hearts, mind, and doors. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Holy Angel Catholic Church 940-937-3946
    308 Avenue B Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    To support each other through fellowship, worship, sacrificial giving, and service. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Jehovah's Witness 940-937-3126
    601 Avenue Centre Southwest, Childress, TX 79201
    Bible principles guide in dealing with their neighbors and secular authorities. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • New Hope Baptist Church 940-937-3447
    601 Avenue I Southeast, Childress, TX 79201
    Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • The Pentecostals of Childress 940-937-6241
    1801 Avenue H Northwest, Childress, TX 79201
    PO Box 315
    To reach the lost through intense burden, to encourage, equip and edify. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • Trinity Luthern Church 940-937-3403
    2007 Country Club Drive, Childress, TX 79201
    Discover a place to worship, grow, serve and belong. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map


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