Johnson City, Texas

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Johnson City, Texas, USA

Business Directory in Johnson City, Texas


  • Community Church of the Hills 830-868-7667
    212 Klett Ranch Road, Johnson City, TX 78636
    Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:30 a.m., and Wednesday Service at 7:30 p.m. more info  map

  • First Baptist Church 830-868-7252
    102 South Avenue F, Johnson City, TX 78636
    Provide ministries for all people in the community. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • First Christian Church 830-868-9066
    401 East Sixth Street Street, Johnson City, TX 78636
    Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:45 a.m., and Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 p.m. more info  map

  • First United Methodist Church 830-868-7414
    105 Lyndon B Johnson Drive, Johnson City, TX 78636
    To open hearts, mind, and doors. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map

  • United Pentecostal Church 830-868-4871
    405 Highway 281 North, Johnson City, TX 78636
    To reach the lost through intense burden, to encourage, equip and edify. Offering a variety of times for service. more info  map


  • Cofran & Associates INC. 281-300-7177
    9242 RR 1320, Johnson City, TX 78636
    Services offered include design, programming and maintenance of web sites, domain names, search engine optimization, email integration with web name, on-going web &... more info  map

Financial Institutions

  • Johnson City Bank 830-868-7131
    102 West Main Street, Johnson City, TX 78636
    Johnson City Bank offers personal checking, Banclub checking, commercial checking, interest demand account HI-FI, ATM/debit cards and safe deposit boxes. The bank is a... more info  map


  • Sherry Justus
    209 Main Street , Johnson City, TX 78636
    View the unique world through the eyes of Sherry Justus. If you love Texas before you will enjoy seeing it from a whole new angle. You can enjoy seeing Sherry's work at... more info  map


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