Paris, Tennessee

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Paris, Tennessee, USA

Specialty Shopping in Paris, Tennessee


  • Antiques on the Square 731-644-2090
    118 West Washington, Paris, TN 38242-4011
    Located on the Downtown Square
    Browse one of Paris's finest antique shops for furniture, glassware, jewelry, and other collectibles.  more info  map

Gift Baskets

  • Najie's Gifts 'N Baskets 731-642-1956
    112 East Washington, Paris, TN 38242-4017
    Located Downtown
    Quaint gift shop that offers an array of wonderful items including gourmet foods, specialty coffees, Madame Alexander dolls and figurines, unique gift baskets for all... more info  map

Shopping Area

  • Market Street Antique Mall 901-642-6996
    414 North Market Street, Paris, TN 38242-3405
    Located Centrally
    One of the largest antique malls in the country covering 60,000 square feet featuring Checkerboard Cafe, and a model train display. more info  map


Shopping in Paris

Towns Near Paris