Kutztown, Pennsylvania

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Kutztown, Pennsylvania, USA

Organizations in Kutztown, Pennsylvania


  • Borough of Kutztown 610-683-6131
    45 Railroad Street, Kutztown, PA 19530
    Borough of Kutztown offers pertinent information regarding laws, utilities, governmental procedures, recycling, and more. more info  map

  • Northeast Berks Chamber of Commerce 610-683-8860
    110 West Main Street; P.O. Box 209, Kutztown, PA 19530
    Northeast Berks Chamber of Commerce promotes Northeast Berks County businesses and events, including the boroughs of Fleetwood, Kempton, Kutztown, Lenhartsville, Lyon... more info


  • Kutztown Area Historical Society 610-683-7697
    Normal Avenue and Whiteoak Street, Kutztown, PA 19530
    The Kutztown Area Historical Society collects and preserves, in a museum environment, photographs and artifacts that are relevant to the history of the greater Kutztown... more info  map


Organizations in Kutztown

Towns Near Kutztown